Of course I don't condone violence but geez, this kid had it coming. Hasn't anyone taught him not to mouth off to a Tranny of any size but in particular one of such largess?
Watch and see if you agree although I have to admit that I think the most shocking thing about this video (and there's a long list of them) is that anyone is actually riding the LA subway.
Favorite line from the comments on You Tube (because sometimes they are better than the actual video itself): "Damn why the hell is beyonce riding the train her limo break down?" (thanks Rob for calling my attention to this video)
10/25/09 UPDATE: Since I posted this the other day, the video has been removed. Wonder what the problem was: hate filled speech? videoing a crime (macing a child is probably against the law I would think even if the kid had it coming)? or simply the whims of You Tube? I'll do a little digging and let you know what I find out! (although one Facebook friend of mine did take the video to task for using the word "tranny" as a derogatory term.. I'm sure that there's a whole lotta reasons why this has disapeered!)
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