It's dark and gloomy in New York City today but you don't have to be (dark and gloomy). Sure, the recent events from North Carolina and all the buzzing from Biden and Obama to Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton seem to have given every homophobe in the country reason to be openly hateful (and stupid) but hey at least the public - the ones that are somewhere in the middle on their opinion of teh gayz and same-sex marriage are seeing what we've seen all along - just how rude and ugly things are for us.
Contrary to others who are wishing them to stop - I hope every homophobe weighs in with their crazy opinion so that the world can really see what they sound like - because sometimes when it's a comment here and a comment there, I think the general American public just doesn't really get how awful they themselves sound.
Naturally this will be validation for some (ie a public figure institutionalizing homophobia) but I think, in the end, these open and virulent attacks simply underscore the need for laws in place to protect the LGBT community. And of course they wouldn't be quite so intense if this rapidly shrinking group of people didn't on some level recognize that the time of this being acceptable conversation is, at last, over. No one fights harder than when they know the end is near.
And for some, especially closet cases *coughRickSantorumcough* being anti-gay is the shield they protect themselves with against having to deal with the truth of their own selves. I'd rather think that they are simply lashing out at us out of a sense of self-presevation (not because the LGBT community will cause -what nonsense- the end of humanity, but in the fragile protection that being anti-gay gives them) than that they are just batshit crazy or downright mean.
To wash away this negativity, please take a few minutes to watch this video made by the cast of ANYTHING GOES. It's a lip-sync of "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction. I want to meet the hottie with the shaved head.. he seems like he's awesomely fun! :)
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