Again, "oh dear".... well, Nikki Finke posted this butt filled trailer (well, so to speak) on her site today and I just couldn't help but grab it and post it here.. there's certainly going to be loads (uhm...) of male flesh but the whole thing just looks "Showgirls" bad and worse, like 80s gay porn.
It took nearly 20 years but hey himbos had to catch up everntually. Like with "Showgirls" I'm sure there's a story there somewhere.. it's reportedly based on the stripper life of Channing Tatum (or is it Tatum Channing? I can never remember) that was filmed and then put up on the internet... it would have been much more interesting if the story had been that to thwart middle America from thinking that their big blonde hearthrob is one of teh gayz or worse, a pervert who takes his clothes off at a club (as opposed, you know, to someone who takes off their clothes in a Hollywood movie - it's the old joke, isn't it? We know he's a whore, now we're just haggling on the price). By repositioning the stripper as a cuddly straight male heartbreaker who is saved by the love of a good woman in a cowboy hat, America can love him again (although Hollywood should have been less worried about Tatum's turn as a stripper and more about the weak story of THE VOW.. but I digress). :)
Anyway, for what it's worth, the theatre for MAGIC MIKE will once again be filled with women and gay men. The women, cooing to each other that they wish THEIR boyfriend was a stripper, and the gays lamenting that theirs actually is! LOL :)
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