I don't know about you but I was already tired of this election back in January. Of 2011.
It's only going to get worse as the debates start up, although it should be fun to watch Obama eviscerate Romney.. but please PLEASE media correspondents, PLEASE ask real questions this year and don't be chicken to call either candidate out on not answering the question or worse, pontificating on things that have nothing to do with the question at hand.
Anyway, I'm only half-joking about 'fuck'ing the election. This is an incredibly important one, I just wish that we'd, for once in my lifetime, get an election that was about the issues and how each candidate is going to lead us, and not a smack down bitchfight tearing the other guy down. And as Romney looks perpetually more and more panicked or simply out of his depth saying the stupidest things (that sometimes contradict things he said just a few days ago), that's on one hand becoming increasingly more and more entertaining but more and more depressing too.
Wouldn't it be great, for once, not to have to choose between two "evils" but to have two (or God forbid THREE) candidates who genuinely engaged the American public and made it a real choice irrelevant of party lines. I know, I can dream. BTW I think Obama is a pretty great President and, for me, not the lesser of two evils. I know that there are others that disagree.
In any event, if you, like me would like to simply skip ahead to January (not only to avoid the election but also to avoid the inevitable brouhaha over the December 21st Mayan end of the world date) then you can do a little time-traveling with photographer Jeff Palmer and purchase his 2013 calendar NOW before supplies run out (and believe me, I've been promoting Jeff's work in one way or another for years and they ALWAYS run out).
They're just $20 each (plus taxes and shipping) and if you order Jeff's hardcover TOUCH book at the same time, that's just $20 too.
Go to Jeff's site by clicking here and if you haven't experienced Jeff Palmer's work yet, you are in for a treat.. that is if you like hot muscled up studs none of which are the lesser of two evils (they're just all evilishishly good all by themselves)
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