I closed out September with a big night featuring two hotties - BEAR CITY 2 star Gerald McCullouch and Lucas Entertainment stud Vito Gallo -- all to benefit the men that make up the queer comic book/sci fi/pop culture social group, Geeks OUT!
BEAR CITY 2 was opening the next night (read my review here) and so we gave out passes to see the film at Cinema Village and of course thanks to Lucas Entertainment for sending over some hot hot hot Vito Gallo flicks.
Vito was a good sport and participated in a jock strap auction which raised a nice chunk of change for the Geeks OUT group. Check out the photos in the free gallery - why wait for the pics to be posted when you can enjoy the show live and in person? Every Thursday night at the Ritz from 7pm to 9pm.. no cover and 100% of what we raise goes to the charity of that week!
I've had the question raised recently - if it's OK to lift photos from the galleries and pass them around - and I say "go for it".. just don't edit out the watermark. THANKS.
(Photos by AB)
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