Good afternoon peeps - it's the end to an incredibly short holiday week and I am hanging out with some acquired family this weekend and I hope that you all have plans to do something beyond spend more money on companies that treat their workers like shit - you know, like Wal Mart, Hostess, Papa Johns and so forth. It's one thing to simply be greedy, it's another to lay the blame of corporate problems on the backs of workers who are already making low wages. I'll feel like you did all you could to save your work force when your income is less than 7 figures a year. Blaming the downfall of a company because workers joined a union so they'd have a fair voice or on our President because he thinks it's a great idea that all people should have reasonably affordable access to health care.. well, it's just kind of slimy. If you're a CEO, take some responsibility for the way you manage your business and act like a grown up. But I guess when you believe, as Mr. Romney seemingly does, that businesses are created and run by one man only, you believe that you don't need all the people you employ. It's sort of like believing in the sanctity of life when it comes to abortion or members of the LGBT community, but not when it comes to funding and giving info to kids on birth control or thinking that the death penalty is a gee whiz great solution.
Ok.. clearly I need that down time I'm referring to above.. LOL Today's dance break isn't really a dance tune, it's more of a gloating sway... an acoustic version of Katy Tiz's "I Don't Give a F" which is sort of a mild break up song in tone but rougher than most in language. But hey, I love most anything with an acoustic guitar so I might be bias. Anyway, enjoy and let Mr. Tiz take you into a blissful holiday weekend.
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