On Wednesday, June 10th, P*rno Bingo welcomed the Transgender Legal Defense Fund and special guest, Boylesque star Lewd Alfred Douglas.
After his performance, Lewd Alfred and I talked quite abit about transgender issues and it was awesome.. because I always love getting an education because, while I'm not always up on the current terms (I cannot quite get a handle the term "cis-gender" but I'm trying) and I probably worry too much about offending my trans friends by unwittingly saying something stupid (I know of a couple of my friends who would put their hand on mine and say "relax"), I can take some comfort knowing that geezus H I'm not as much of a moron as some of my gay bros.
Yow know the ones. The ones that seemed like ordinary gays until Caitlyn showed up.. and then their brains turned to clam dip and they became schoolyard bullies. Gee, take on the role of your oppressor, much??
If you havent seen comments like this, lucky you. It didn't take much to run into neanderthal comments making fun of trans people over the past few months - just look at Facebook whenever Caitlyn is featured in a story or on Towleroad when people are discussing the controversy over the "Stonewall" movie... I am appalled at the ignorance and cruelty... actually, I'm appalled mostly at just the ignorance because I've come to expect people to be absolute asswipes online (and sometimes in real life too)...and for all our shortcomings, the one thing I've always counted on in the LGBT community is that people are at least politically aware and somewhat smart. Making fun of transgender people? That's low. Saying that 'they' are not part of "our" community? Hmmm did they not notice the T in "LGBT".?. or did those queens think that T stood for Tina? (THAT T should not be a part of our community).
Sorry about the rant, this stuff makes me super ragey.
I think that Caitlyn said it best at the ESPY Awards:
“If you wanna call me names, make jokes, doubt my intentions, go ahead. Because the reality is I can take it. But for the thousands of kids out there coming to terms with being true to who they are, they shouldn't have to take it.”
In the end, we raised hundreds of dollars so that TDELF can continue its mission to defend those in harms way - and to educate people who need it. By the looks of it, there is a lot of schoolin' to be done.
Anyway, you can see the pics of the night by clicking here for the photos that AB took. Thanks AB!
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