Good afternoon, peeps - hope that you were one of the few gay guys that enjoyed yesterday's Super Bowl. In addition to watching a kick ass game (meaning, the Broncos kicked the Panther's ass - it's like they weren't the same team that mopped the floor with the Cardinals faces just a couple weeks ago.) me and my bf sat around drinking beer, eating everything in sight, and checking out hot football guys online. Thought Gaga nailed it with the Star Spangled Banner bust best of all, that shit eating grin she flashed as she knew within the first few seconds that she was kicking ass and taking prisoners. And yeah, I really dug the meme about her and the Hunger Games. Classic, man. Still don't know what the hell everyone is all upset about in the halftime show.... but by then we were pretty bliztzed ... still, seemed like a great time and kind of off the hook - and hey, I think that's the first time I've ever seen anyone perform ON the field.... more of that, please, because that shit was fucking awesome.
As you all know, my corporate job was eliminated a few weeks ago- and, as you all know, it was an incredibly stressful experience due to the crazy boss that I affectionately named "the Hammer" as in "he doesn't know how to handle anything in a gentle way, it's always gotta be the hammer approach". Since I wrapped up all my projects just before Christmas and didn't have to go back in the office and they threw a very nice severance my way, I decided to do something that I don't usually do: take care of myself. So over the past few weeks I've eaten, had sleep, been to the gym, had a couple medical things taken care of, and done some site visits and networking to keep myself in the loop overall... but I can't say that I've missed the Hammer at all and when he's sent an email here or there asking a question, I bristle. Someone yesterday suggested that it was a kind of small form of PTSD and you know I can't argue with that.
Speaking of medical things - I had a colonoscopy last week ... not because I suspected that there was anything wrong, but hey I'm over 50 and it's definitely a thing that everyone should do over 50 as colon cancer starts popping up then. So the good news is that my years of douching helped make the prep process a little easier (lol) and also that the doctor (a super hot gay doc btw) didn't find any indication of any colon cancer. So, you know, good, right? The less good news is that I have slight hernia, some gastric stuff, and a little stomach thing. Just have to watch the hernia although it's pretty minor ... and the other stuff can be fixed/healed through a short course of medication and a slight (temporary) change of diet. So, not so bad for the old man of nearly 52.
If you're 50 and over and haven't gotten yourself checked out yet, you owe it to yourself to get that done. Colon cancer can be caught pretty early on and as we all know, the earlier you can discover it, the better your odds are of kicking it's ass. :)
Oh yeah, and someone asked if I was going to post the cleaned out colon pictures here or on Facebook - and the answer is 'nope'.... I cringe when i see the pics myself, I don't need to gross everyone out with photos of my rectum. But thanks for asking (and I have to ask back - is looking at other people's colon pics some sort of thing that people do? My pal Tommy sent me his when he got it done a couple weeks ago and I was like 'why are you sending me this?" lol)
So, starting tomorrow, I'm going to be finishing up posting Bingo pics. Yeah, man, I know.. the show ended in August and there won't be any more shows in the future, so really I guess why bother posting? But maybe it's my OCD or something but I wanted to get some closure on it now that I've got a little time to make that happen. So keep on the look out for that.
In the meantime, check out these four posts from the first few weeks of the summer edition 2015:
The Will Clark Show June 3, 2015
The Will Clark Show June 10, 2015
The Will Clark Show June 17, 2015
The Will Clark Show June 24, 2015
See you back here tomorrow and in the meantime, keep it hard, hot, and safe!
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