Dear Chris,
I have learned from our friend DJ Randy Bettis this morning that you are in hospice care in the Fort Lauderdale area. I am, of course, very sad to hear this.
I know that we have not spoken in quite some time but I want you to know how much I adore and appreciate you. From the day you walked into my life, I have been filled with admiration for you: your kind heart, your 'don't quit' attitude, ever hopeful, ever working, ever grateful for everything that you have had.
I believe it was Randy that recommended you to DJ bingo. We had just finished up with a year residency with another DJ and I was on the lookout for the next. You graciously offered to help us out for a short time, providing an extra added dimension to our little event at Pieces. And geez, the sound system was a complete and utter disaster and yet you didn't complain, you miraculously made it work. I don't know how you patched that shit together and made it sound pretty, but you did.
And what I think I admire the most is that you agreed to come on and help out for a few weeks until we established the next DJ and then, because you were having such a good time, you stayed for a whole year. And I know, I know.. the pay was super duper shitty and well beneath what you should have made... and yet, you stayed and stayed and stayed because you were devoted to helping us make the world a better place, even if it was by selling one bingo card at a time.
Ugh! And the absolute SHIT that we went through in that year you were with us - From winter 2011- winter 2012 - all of us were going through personal and professional ups and downs - but we were warriors together and we kicked ASS.
What most people don't know, of course, is the many times that we hung out at your apartment, ate Subway sandwiches, and talked about New York nightlife and the state of circuit parties. It was during these times when we could speak about anything.. You were patient, kind, and always always full of humor... and also always, my friend.
Today, I asked friends on Facebook to send you Light. I am certain that somehow you will feel the warmth of friendship from your New York friends, fans, and colleagues and, I hope, will give you at least a little smile knowing that there are a whole bunch of us who love you and even if we cannot be with you where you are, know that I am sending my biggest bear hug to you, my friend.
All my love, always,
Will Clark
(Right, photo, by AB, at a February 2012 show)
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