Good evening, peeps. It's Sunday evening and the boyfriend is off having dinner with a friend of his. I'm home enjoying some alone time, which isn't to say that i don't love and adore my boyfriend, but every so often, I need to a little time to be wild. These days 'being wild' means sitting in the living room in my underwear, listening to music, and letting my mind wander into odd places.
So, as I was scrolling through Facebook rather than being out and about like I ought to be in what was a beautiful, although cool day, I noticed someone calling someone else a 'ho bag'. It's not uncommon to see this on Facebook, especially this weekend when the biggest ho-baggy event of the year is taking place, if not in my backyard, at least somewhat adjacent to it in Brooklyn (yes, Black Party, I'm talking about you).
I kind of like the term and it always makes me giggle when I hear it. It's kind of a ridiculous insult bordering on sort of a kind of a compliment to a sort of type of person for whom being a 'ho' is something esoteric and distant rather than, let's say, someone who is an actual sex worker. There's something vaguely demeaning about it but it really means nothing so it can, therefore, mean anything that you want it to mean. And thus, a perfect insult that's also humorous.
When writing this blog in Typepad, there is a little feature that comes up that suggests articles to link to based on words one has used. Hilariously, a photo from an article about Mark Zuckerberg has come up, ostensibly because I wrote "Facebook" above, but I like to think that the internet gods are giving me a little suggestion. However, I think the internet gods are confusing "ho-baggy" with "douche-baggy". (with apologies to Mark, please don't delete my Facebook account). :)
Being in a committed relationship, out of the sex worker life, and way too busy doing other things than to hang out in gay bars and clubs and the places where ho bags hangout (I think, at least that's where they hang out, I think I have, unfortunately lost my ho bag card. But, just this past week, I was crushing on a super hot guy in the office I'm working at this spring. It's been a long time since I worked and a longer time since I worked somewhere with a hot guy that I could secretly crush on without him having any idea. I suppose, at 54, I am, less of a ho bag for this than a middle aged (cough cough) creeper. He's probably in his 30s by the way, so I'm not robbing the cradle.
I think ho bags come in every shape, size, age, and orientation but I'm wondering, what's YOUR definition and, can you use the term in a sentence?
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